A+ Schools
Macon High School was awarded A+ Schools status in 1999. This is a state funded program developed as part of the Outstanding Schools Act of 1993. The goal of the program is to ensure that all students who graduate from high school complete rigorous coursework so they are ready to go to college, complete a training program, or compete in the workplace. Students who have completed the A+ Schools program are eligible for free tuition and general student fees to any public community college, technical school, or vocational program in the state of Missouri for up to six semesters. Their eligibility for the program is for four years following their graduation. To qualify a student must sign a contract with the school, attend that school for three consecutive years, graduate with a GPA of 2.5 or higher, have at least a 95% average attendance over four years, perform 50 hours of unpaid academic tutoring or mentoring, maintain a record of good citizenship,and avoid the unlawful use of drugs. Students who are interested should contact Sheila Gingrich, the A+ Schools Coordinator, at 660-385-5748.
A+ Handbook
DESE link to the A+ program -
Adult Education
The Macon R-I Adult Education program offers a wide variety of classes based on community needs and interests. Classes begin the last week of September and the last week of January. Additional information can be obtained from the Adult Education Coordinator, at 660-385-2158.
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
This district program, also known as Tiger Cubs, provides special education services for three- to five-year-olds. For more information contact Katrina Stewart, Special Services Process Coordinator, at 660-385-2189.
Parents as Teachers (PAT)
Parents as Teachers is an early childhood parent education and family support program designed to help all parents give their children the best possible start in life. For additional information and enrollment contact Jonna Adams at 660-385-2118.
Special Education
The Macon R-I Special Education program offers a variety of services to meet the individual needs of school-aged students with disabilities. For program offerings contact Shelley Devenport, Special Services Process Coordinator, at 660-385-2189.
The Macon R-I Spectra Program is designed to meet the unique educational needs of intellectually gifted children. The program is designed to meet the affective, social, and academic needs of the gifted learner, while recognizing individual differences and unique learning needs. The Spectra program focuses on developing self-esteem, skills in independent study, research, and creative and critical thinking. For more information on Spectra contact Barbara White, Spectra teacher, at 660-385-2118.
Spectra Handbook (pdf)