Kelly Hodge
About Our School Counseling Program:
The Macon Elementary School Counseling Program is a comprehensive program designed to help students with their overall academic experience and to assist with personal growth. Students will work with the school counselor through classroom lessons, small-group sessions, and individually as needed. Macon Elementary's counseling program gives students the opportunity to further their academic, social, and emotional development. The main goal of the counseling program is to assist students in learning the skills and attitudes necessary to be successful learners and productive citizens.
Counseling Services
Individual Counseling
Assistance provided to some students who may need help to overcome social and/or emotional concerns that interfere with learning.
Group Counseling
A support group for students who share a common concern. Parent permission is required to participate.
Classroom Lessons
Lessons are taught within the Specials rotation to assist students with academic, social-emotional, and career development. Kindergarten classes receive lessons every week. Grades 1-4 receive lessons on a three week rotation. I see first and third grade three weeks in a row for 25 minutes of their Library time. I see second and fourth grade the following three weeks for 25 minutes of their Library time.
How can a student see the counselor?
Student can leave a note in the mailbox outside of my room
Staff members can call or email to ask me to visit with a student
Parent can refer their child for counseling services by calling or emailing
Click here to access my Google site for more information and resources.
Questions or concerns?
Email: khodge@macon.k12.mo.us
Phone: 660-385-2118
The easiest way to reach me is by email as I am with students or teaching lessons most of the school day. I do my best to return all calls and emails within 24 hours during the regular school week.